The Inaugural 2020 TB Summit took place on November 18-19, 2020 with the vision of learning and sharing focused on outreach to Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities with the highest TB burden. The theme of the summit was “Eliminating TB Together” – inspired by the vision and goals of the TB Elimination Alliance (TEA) Members.
The summit included workshops and poster presentations by leading TB experts, networking sessions, and a panel discussion with federal and regional partners. Thank you to all who joined and supported the 2020 Summit.
Please view recordings for November 18, 2020 below and November 19, 2020 here.
- Jeffery Caballero, MPH, Executive Director of the Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations (AAPCHO)
- Chari Cohen, DrPH, MPH, Senior Vice President of the Hepatitis B Foundation (HBF)
Workshop: Putting the P in 3HP: Partnerships, Professionals, and Programming
- Kara Green, FNP, Director of Clinical Services and Quality Improvement, HOPE Clinic (TX)
- Nguyen Tran, MA, HOPE Clinic (TX)
- Hanan Noori, MA, HOPE Clinic (TX)
- Tonia Ellison, LVN, Public Health Nurse/LTBI/3hp Case Manager, Division of Disease Prevention and Control, Center for Community Health Services, Houston Health Department
Workshop: Latent TB Diagnosis and Treatment for Medical Providers
- Shereen Katrak, MD, MPH, Director, TB Free California, Tuberculosis Control Branch, California Department of Public Health
All Recordings, Poster Presentations, and Survivor Story Playlist