What are behind the gaps in LTBI/TB prevention and what can health centers and other organizations do to support Asian/Asian American (A/AA) and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (NH/PI) patients with LTBI?

Join this special public webinar session of AAPCHO’s four-week TB Learning Collaborative to gain in-depth knowledge and best practices on how to empower patients at health centers through strategies that effectively address LTBI/TB prevention and quality improvement approaches in A/AA and NH/PI communities. With guest speakers from the California Department of Public Health’s Tuberculosis Control Branch, attendees will have an opportunity to engage in peer learning to share challenges and budding practices.

Chibo Shinagawa, MS
Program Manager, Infectious Diseases (AAPCHO)

Mukta Deia
Program Coordinator, Infectious Diseases (AAPCHO)

Special Public Webinar Session: Providing Care for Patients with Latent TB Infection
Thursday, April 20, 2023, 9:00-10:30am HT | 12:00-1:30pm PT | 3:00-4:30pm ET


  • Shereen Katrak, MD, MPH, Medical Officer, Director, TB Free California, Tuberculosis Control Branch, California Department of Public Health
  • Kristen Wendorf, MD, MS, Pediatrician, Public Health Medical Officer, Tuberculosis Control Branch, California Department of Public Health
Agenda (times listed in PST)  Resources
12:00-12:05pm: Welcome and Introductions, Chibo Shinagawa and Mukta Deia

12:05-1:00pm: Provider and Patient Resources for Clinical Monitoring of Patients
During LTBI Treatment – Dr. Shereen Katrak

1:00-1:20pm: Pediatric Considerations for LTBI – Dr. Kristen Wendorf

1:20-1:30 pm PT: Q&A with Speaker, Close Meeting, and Evaluations

Dr. Shereen Katrak Slides: Click Here

Dr. Kristen Wendorf Slides: Click Here

Session Recording: Click Here

Partner: This webinar is sponsored by the Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations is co-sponsored by The Curry International Tuberculosis Center.

Funder: This webinar is supported by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and the Health Resources & Services Administration.