What are behind the gaps in LTBI/TB prevention and what can health centers and other organizations do to support A/AA and NH/PI patients with LTBI?
Join AAPCHO to gain in-depth knowledge and best practices on how to empower patients at health centers through strategies that effectively address LTBI/TB prevention and quality improvement approaches in A/AA and NH/PI communities.
Special Public Webinar Session: Providing Care for Patients with LTBI
This webinar session will highlight provider and patient resources for clinical monitoring of patients during LTBI treatment.
Speaker: Shereen Katrak, MD, MPH, Medical Officer, Director, TB Free California, Tuberculosis Control Branch, California Department of Public Health
Date and Time: Thursday, April 20, 2023 from 9:00am-10:30am HT / 12:00-1:30pm PT/ 3:00-4:30pm ET
Please note that this registration form is to register as an attendee for our special public webinar session of our 2023 TB Learning Collaborative that will be available to the public to attend on April 20th. If you are interested in applying to be a part of the full four-part series of the 2023 TB Learning Collaborative, please apply by March 22nd, 2023, here.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to:
- Explain the importance of tuberculosis prevention and its contribution to overall goals of TB elimination
- Describe easy-to-use tools and other resources to engage and encourage patients during LTBI treatment to improve care cascade outcomes
- Identify how to measure the steps in the LTBI care cascade to advocate and reduce preventable losses in the cascade to improve program performance
- Identify strategies to overcome barriers to each step in the LTBI care cascade to successfully implement and improve patient diagnosis and treatment
Intended Participants: Health centers, Primary Care Associations (PCAs), Health Center Controlled Networks (HCCN), and community organizations interested and/or invested in LBTI/TB prevention and management. Additional users may include, but are not limited to: health care providers, primary care clinic directors, health system leaders, electronic medical record analysts, and/or public health department leaders providing guidance for primary care settings.
CME/CEUs will be provided by the Curry International Tuberculosis Center for full participation in the Learning Collaborative ONLY for accepted Learning Collaborative applicants. CME/CEUs will not be provided for this one special session.
Fee: No cost/free
Registration Deadline:
Wednesday, April 13, 2023 by 5:00 pm local time
Register at https://bit.ly/3JanLBf
If you have trouble accessing the registration link, visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2BDW856.
Have questions? Please email tea@aapcho.org.
Funder: The TB Learning Collaborative is supported by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and the Health Resources & Services Administration.
Partner: The TB Learning Collaborative is sponsored by the Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations is co-sponsored by The Curry International Tuberculosis Center.